Winnow Recognised by KAHV as a Contributor to Germany’s National Strategy for Reducing Food Waste

Posted by Elena Sokolova / 27-Mar-2023

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We are pleased to take part in Germany’s National Strategy for Reducing Food Waste - with KAHV recognising Winnow’s commitment to cutting food waste in half.   KAHV is the competence centre for out-of-home catering -  a project funded  by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Germany (BMEL), managed by United Against Waste and supported by their research partner Thunen Institute. KAHV awards organisations that manage and report their food waste, and lists organisations who work to develop and implement solutions that measure food waste in Germany.
By officially listing Winnow as a provider for reducing food waste, all organisations that work with Winnow and report on food waste to KAHV will also be certified as participating in the national food waste agenda.

It was recently estimated that, in Germany, around 11 million tonnes of food waste are generated each year  (2020).  Cem Ozdemir, the Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture stated (in German) that “food waste is a major problem that needs to be addressed, especially considering the climate crisis” . This rings true for several reasons, especially since food loss and waste is estimated to be responsible for 10% of greenhouse gas emissions globally.

Furthermore, Germany is not exempt from economic turmoil, despite being the  most powerful economy in the EU, with reportedly just over a 4 trillion Euro GDP in 2022. Food inflation is also taking effect, as Germany’s food prices increase by nearly 20%, making the inflation rate the highest in 30 years, according to the Federal Statistical Office. This means that the number of German citizens facing food insecurity are also rising - with 13.8 million Germans on or below the poverty line. 

As such, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 - it is part of Germany’s Sustainability Strategy to halve food waste by 2030. Specifically, the aim is to halve per capita food waste in Germany at retail and consumer level by 2030 and to reduce food waste along the production and supply chain, including post-harvest losses.

With a global presence in nearly 70 countries, Winnow is growing its presence in Germany from over 100 sites - and we’re pleased to be recognised by KAHV as joiners to the national food waste agenda working to halve food waste.

See how  BASF Germany is creating a sustainable future by tackling food waste with Winnow

Topics: Announcements

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